A 25-Year-Old Woman With Intermittent Finger Pain and Numbness
A 25-year-old woman presents to her GP complaining of intermittent pain in her fingers. She describes episodes of numbness and burning in the fingers and reports that she wears gloves whenever she leaves the house, particularly to manage symptoms triggered by the...
A 70-Year-Old Man with Severe Leg Pain
A 70-year-old man presents to the ED having developed sudden onset severe pain in his right leg. This occurred whilst he was watching television 1 hour earlier. On examination he is distressed, and his right leg is pale in appearance. His right foot feels cold to...
A 50-Year-Old Woman with an Itchy, Blistering Rash
A 50-year-old woman presents with a painful, blistering rash affecting her face, limbs and trunk. She initially noticed painful blisters in her mouth, but these subsequently spread to the skin a few weeks later. The blisters, where present are large and flaccid. Most...