Triangles of the Neck Part 1 – The Anterior Triangle
The triangles of the neck are an extremely common anatomy exam topic. In this first of two articles, we will cover the important knowledge requirements of the anterior triangle of the neck. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the main muscular landmark of the neck and...
Test Your Anatomy Knowledge – The Lower Limb
Test your knowledge of lower limb anatomy with these questions. 1. Which SINGLE statement is true regarding the blood supply to the lower limb? A. The femoral artery arises directly from the internal iliac arteryB. The profunda femoris arises from the medial side of...
Test Your Anatomy Knowledge – The Pelvis
Test your knowledge of pelvic anatomy with these questions. 1. Which of the following is a posterior relation of the vagina? A. Bladder B. Urethra C. Pouch of Douglas D. Ureter E. Urogenital diaphragm Show Answer Answer: C. Pouch of Douglas The main relations of the...